superior rectus muscle

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superior rectus musclesuperior rectus muscle


the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball upward and medially
Synonym: superior rectus rectus superior


  1. Trabeculectomy under topical anesthesia without superior rectus muscle suturing


  2. Conclusion Trabeculectomy under topical anesthesia and without superior rectus muscle suturing is safe and reliable .


  3. The Clinical and Experimental Research about Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation Combined with Bypass Surgery of Superior Rectus Muscle in the Treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa


  4. But the images of superior rectus muscle pulley and inferior rectus muscle pulley were unclear by horizontal scanning .


  5. Shopping list Hypertropia associated with superolateral translation of the superior rectus muscle pulley in unilateral coronal synostosis


  6. On section 3 , the width and thickness of the superior rectus muscle , the inferior rectus muscle , the medial rectus muscle and lateral rectus mudes were the smallest , while on section 5 , the biggest .


  7. Superior division of oculomotor nerve coursed between optic nerve and superior rectus muscle after it left zinn ring , its branches entered into the superior rectus muscle and levator muscle .


  8. If the vertical deviation is greater than 25 △, the inferior oblique muscle weakening or superior oblique muscle tuck combined with contralateral inferior rectus recession or ipsilateral superior rectus muscle recession was performed .


  9. The superior ophthalmic vein passed through the narrow lateral sector of the superior orbital fissure by the outside of the common tendinous ring from the site between origins of the superior rectus muscle and lateral rectus muscle and drained into the cavernous sinus .
